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"Contenants / WHAT DO WE NEED / variables actifs" / 2018 Gif animés / Durée : Séquence de 4min // Résidence Cité internationale des arts de Paris / France



"Contenants / WHAT DO WE NEED / varables actifs". The experiments in animated Gif "WHAT DO WE NEED / variables actifs" carried out at the Cité internationale des arts in Paris inaugurates the start of a research on our needs. Those of a population but especially those of designers who design and try to operate in a context of questioning, economic, political, ecological and social.

These GIFs take up basic daily gestures, containing, suspending, storing... and stage a series of actions linking gestures and materials. This search for form does not claim to find a solution, it experiments, observes. It produces links opening more towards more adaptability. It is both the eye and the hand that come into play, they seek hanging solutions, without actually making or freezing a form that evolves and mutates permanently by opening the gaze to new uses.

Towards the act that one projects into an object, what can I do with it? The aim here is to stimulate a reappropriation of usable forms. Their function or definition as tools is only completed by our intervention. It takes the function that is granted to it. If our interaction with it changes, its function also changes, if the connections with other forms change new uses emerge.

The preferred materials for these anime will be moldable. According to an economic and ecological interest, raw earth will take a special place. It makes it possible not to throw away material and the experiments can continue without limit. Reactive to humidity, a form in dried raw earth can then be melted to reform, thus linking the gesture of manufacturing and the material in a cycle. The clay also represents an interest of historical and archaeological research, drawn from the ground since always it is the natural material which accompanies us since always. It becomes almost pagan, ritual, linked to the elements, water, fire and wind shape it.



@Cédric Canaud - 2018